Sunday 16 September 2012

Day 21

"Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare their achievements with those of other people" — Nido Qubein
Well, today I have been a right grump. It doesn't happen very often but when it does I don't want to speak to anybody. It's like I am walking around with a pet thunder cloud on a string, like a balloon. The weather didn't help being so grey. 

I decided because it was the first day in ages when we didn't have something on, that Izzy and I would have a pj day. We had a lovely time reading LOTS of books and she showed me her Yogo moves (Waybuloo, CBeebies)

I had to leave the pj party at 2 to head to the gym for my first 'Perfect Fit' Session.  Perfect Fit at Village 

Now, because I was in a mood I didn't fancy this at all and I was being all 'well they won't be able to teach me anything' (Kevin & Perry Stylee). The reason I didn't think I would be taught more is not because I know it all (far from it), but I have learnt so much from Chris at Easyfit and I feel like I know what works for me. 

I was wrong, well not completely, they did try and teach me about Anaerobic workouts which I have been doing for a while now, but I did learn some new core exercises which were useful. We also did some goal setting, had a talk about cardio and a go on the resistance machines... There was three of us in this session, me and a husband and wife who were early 50's and hadn't been to a gym for a while. We all had a resistance machine each to have a go of. Mine was leg press. Now normally this is my favourite machine, but after yesterday and Friday, my legs are DOMS central. My glutes, calves and quads are soooo sore, so leg press wasn't my idea of fun, especially after 10 mins on the bike at high resistance. However, I got on and the instructor said just put what weight you think on. His face when I put on 90kg was funny. He even asked if I wanted to go lighter... thanks. I probably could have gone higher if I wasn't in so much pain already. I managed to workout to failure, which was proving the instructors point. Failure Reps
I now have another two sessions of this. The next one is a cardio session next Sunday and the third is a 1-2-1 with a PT. That person will have a tough act to follow.

Today was mums Sunday dinner day and as you will see, I have made up for lack of veg yesterday. 

Still having some stomach swells today which I can really see on the pics. 


Add Food      
Tesco - Medium Free Range Egg, 2 egg176056Ico_delete
Tesco - Unsmoked Back Bacon (Grilled), 2 rashers1750127Ico_delete
Generic - Salad Tomato, 1 tomato (70g)13201Ico_delete
Add Food  36421714
Bisto - Gravy - All Meat Kind, 150 ml45720Ico_delete
Sainsbury's - Baked Yorkshire Pudding, 1 pudding54822Ico_delete
Cauliflower - Cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, 0.5 cup (1" pieces)14301Ico_delete
Brussel Sprouts - Brussels Sprouts, Cooked, 1 cup (100g)60504Ico_delete
Lockwoods - Mushy Peas 100g As Consumed, 100 g821216Ico_delete
Tesco - Brocolli, Fresh, 100 g30214Ico_delete
Simply Potatoes Family Size - Mashed Sweet Potatoes, 1/2 cup (124g)1102212Ico_delete
Pork Roast - Boneless Pork Roast, 100 g (3.5 oz.)21001418Ico_delete
Home Cooked - Roast Parsnip, 65 g552712Ico_delete
Carrots - Cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, 1 tbsp3100Ico_delete
Pork sausage - Fresh, cooked, 1.5 serving (2 links)24402014Ico_delete
Add Food  907874253
Add Food      
Your Daily Goal1,79617939179


Bit of a funny one today as this session wasn't a workout as such, more showing us things. I didn't have time to stay at the gym afterwards as we were in there for 1.5 hours. I am already pushing my luck with Matt sitting Izzy. He knows Tough Mudder training is big at the moment so being a star and helping me out.

10 mins bike, high resistance.
Leg Press 15, 15, 12 x 90kg
Core exercises x 6 (I will get a copy of them tomorrow and tell you what they are).



I'm off now to plan for the week. I have a SUPER hectic one coming up. London and back Tuesday, back to London Wednesday and stay there until Thursday night. I also have a wedding coming up next Saturday. Busy Busy.

Come back tomorrow for weigh/measurements day! 3 weeks in already!!


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