Friday 14 September 2012

Day 19

"Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise"  — Kobe Bryant
This week I have had some really lovely (and unexpected) feedback from a few people. I haven't really shared this blog with people that I know ie on Facebook or with friends or colleagues, because I feel really self conscious about the photos with me in shorts and a sports bra. I know, I imagine you are thinking, well why are you putting a blog online then. Well the reason I do it is because I know it will motivate me (especially now so many are reading it). I can't lie about what I eat because the pictures would tell a different story, so that motivates me to keep going. I am also learning loads about myself and my life. When you are going 100mph (which I can now see I am) you don't really get chance to sit back and think, yeah, I'm doing really well. Instead I tend to think I'm not doing enough and that I should be doing more and making more effort (which you have probably worked out from some of my beat myself up blogs). But this week about seven different people have asked how on earth I do what I do as in work, travel all over, be mummy, gym bunny, wife, daughter, friend... and the answer is, I just don't know. I just do it. And not only that, I love it too. I do worry I may burn out but I guess I just need to make sure I check in with myself to make sure I don't get to that point.

I did get told last night that I was inspiring someone to get off his ass and go for a run or to the gym because when he saw how much I juggled, but still had the time to workout, he couldn't believe it and realised he had no excuse. That for me was brilliant to hear. I am so happy that my experience (and capturing it here) inspires people to do something. I'm no fitness expert and I'm learning all the time so it is quite basic, but real.

So today, I had a hangover. Luckily I am not a hangover eater. I feel rotten and generally don't want to eat. I did have a bit of stodge, wholemeal bread with my scrambled eggs, but I needed energy for the journey home. When I got in I was on a carb hunt like a crazed woman, but made lovely Bushbok sweet potato and had two burgers (no bun obviously!). Gorgeous!

Workout wise, I dragged my hungover ass to the HURTLOCKER for a session with Chris (Easyfit PT) and took one of my best friends Karen along. Good lord, did we get beasted within an inch of our lives. Not the normal Friday night but afterwards felt brilliant. 
Lucky for me (!) I am seeing Chris again tomorrow at 11. Double beasting!


Eggs - Large - Scrambled, 1 egg81165Ico_delete
Bread - Brown Sliced, 2 slice (approx. 72g)3025729Ico_delete
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Tesco Finest - Bushbok Sweet Potato, 200 g1904312Ico_delete
Tesco Finest - British Beef Burgers With Caramelised Red Onion, 2 burger410142337Ico_delete
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Real Nutrition Co - Lite Muscle Shakes All-In-One Lean and Slim Formula Vanilla Cream Flavour, 56 g20212327Ico_delete
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Your Daily Goal1,91719142191


Can't remember how many (alot!!!)
Jumping lunges
Body weight pull ups
Kettle bell
Russian Twists
Press ups
Bicycle crunches


x 4 circuits

Battle ropes
jumping squats
Trampoline sprints


Side planks
Front planks


Until tomorrow...

Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. #fitness #motivation #inspiration

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