Tuesday 11 September 2012

Day 16

Never measure the height of a mountain, until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was. — Dag Hammarskjöld

Wow, fasting today was hard. I think because I hadn't eaten anything after Body Pump yesterday until 6.30 this evening. I do love fasting though. It's like you are competing against yourself. There were moments of real weakness today when I just wanted to give in, but I was strong and didn't. I just kept 6,30 in mind and imagined how good it would feel to have a feed.

So this week is a funny one with travel etc. I battle quite a lot with the fact that I have to split myself between so many different roles. Mummy, Wife, Professional, Tough Muddee/Gym Bunny. Take this week for example. Tomorrow I am going to London, there and back same day, so I will leave the house at 6.30 and I won't get back in the house until 7pm, just before my baby goes to bed. I then want to spend time with my husband, but Circuits is on at 8pm so I will leave the house at 7.40 then get back in again at 9.20 (and probably be in bed by 10pm). THEN on Thursday I am off to Edinburgh until Friday so I won't see baby or hubby until Friday night. So this makes me feel bad that I am going to the gym the night before and not spending quality time at home. THEN, I know that on Friday I have a group session at 730pm and on Saturday I have a PT session at 11am and on Sunday I have a perfect fit session at the gym at 2.30pm. (Phew) Now, don't get me wrong, my hubby is very supportive and stays in while I'm doing all this so he can look after Izzy, but I feel bad and I can't help it. I can't really win! I guess I just have to make the time I have in the evenings quality time (which is also hard because I am sometimes working and if not working.... blogging). Is suppose this is extreme gym at the moment and I won't always have Survival and Tough Mudder to do. It's a case of needs must. Maybe we could have some time off together once these events are over. (I like that I am using this blog to work things out. It is totally like therapy, talking (well typing) to myself ha ha).

Anyway, onto today. I started to have a bit of a panic about Survival of the Fittest and Tough Mudder. I think I spotted in my diary just how close it is and I don't feel ready at all. I am just going to train, train, train. I don't do half measures and I want to make sure that when I get to these events, I know that I have done everything that I possibly can to make sure I'm ready. 


Add Food      
My Protein - Mp Max Elle True Diet Velvet Vanilla, 57 g2168436Ico_delete
Add Food  2168436
Tesco - Steamed Veg (Carrots , Broccoli & Sweetcorn), 1 pack901224Ico_delete
Tilda - Brown Basmati Microwave Rice, 125 g1703235Ico_delete
Tesco - Grilled Chicken Breast Fillet (125g), 250 g3400477Ico_delete
Add Food  60044986
Pink Lady - Apple, Large (7 oz), 1 apple1042901Ico_delete
Tesco - Strawberries (Fresh Class 1), 100 g32601Ico_delete
Add Food  1363502
Your Daily Goal1,91719142191
*You've earned 197 extra calories from exercise today

Body Pump - 1 hour


Off to London tomorrow, but I'm all prepared foodwise. On it!! This week is going to be a good one, I can feel it!

fitness inspiration

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