Wednesday 12 September 2012

Day 17

"It’s very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit" — George Sheehan

Another good day (on a roll this week). I was down in London and had pretty much back to back meetings all morning. Unfortunately, I had another speaker in the meetings, namely, my stomach. Obviously I had fasted most of yesterday and when I did eat in the evening it was chicken, rice & veg. I then went to Body Pump (which would have burnt it all off) and the only other thing I had this morning was my protein shake. So, by 10.30, my stomach was in full voice. I kept trying to silence it with water but it wouldn't give up. Luckily I had a break in between meetings and eventually at 12 silenced the monster. Phew! 

I am typing this now as I am on my way back from London. I thought I would be smart about food so I could fit a gym session in tonight, so I have eaten on the move. Obviously Virgin trains don't offer THE healthiest things but I opted for the best thing I could get which was a pork wrap (and some pretzels). The theory is I can now get picked up from the station, put baby to bed then run straight out to the gym without worrying about my tea. I can then get back and pack for Scotland and enjoy the rest/cheat day tomorrow. I can tell you now, my legs, arms, bum, in fact everywhere could do with that rest day today. I would have had it today but I can't make it to the gym tomorrow as I have a work function in Edinburgh in the eve (hence the cheat day. We are booked for a curry after the event!!!)

Update: Back home, and I didn't make it to the gym (boo!) because by the time Izzy went to bed it was nearly 8pm and as much as I love the gym late on, I had too many things to get ready for my trip to Scotland tomorrow and after the trip to London today I'M DEAD. However, I did do the six week Trainings plan. No rest for the wicked.

(I hope that when my plans don't quite go as expected that you don't think that I give up too easily. You have to understand that I travel a lot with work and that in itself is exhausting, but add on the work itself, then coming home and being mummy and wife, sometimes I have to give in to it and do what I can. And tonight I have done just that. I just swapped a bigger workout for something that I could fit in today at home. Not forgetting the time my lovely blog takes too. Could we add some more hours to the day do you think?)


My Protein Max Elle - True Diet Protein Drink, 57 g2168436Ico_delete
Add Food  2168436
the Food Doctor - Couscous and Lentil Wholesome Pot, 230 g26845213Ico_delete
Bounce - Peanut Protein Ball, 49 g20920915Ico_delete
Add Food  477651128
Virgin - Spicy Pork Wrap, 1 wrap22827811Ico_delete
Penn State - Sour Cream and Chive Flavour Pretzels (175g Bag), 25 g1111832Ico_delete
Add Food  339451113
Bounce - 42 g Spirulina Ginseng, 42 g1802295Ico_delete
Tesco - Corn on Cob, 2 cob (130g)2424469Ico_delete
Add Food  422661514
Your Daily Goal1,72017238172

6 Week Training
Pushups x 6, 8, 6, 6, 7 - Total 33
Squats x 13, 16, 13, 13, 15 - Total 71
Dips x 13, 15, 10, 10, 15 - Total 63
Sit ups x 15, 18, 15, 15, 18 - Total 81


Today is the first day of the big attack of Mr Hormone (without going into TMI) so I am on alert for the sugar cravings. Today as you will see from my food diary I threw the fantastic bounce bars at the cravings and they worked a treat, especially the peanut one! Highly recommended. Bounce Balls

Cheat day tomorrow but again, not going to go mad apart from the eve where I will have a couple of glasses of champers and a curry. Can't wait!

be proud.

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