Friday 31 August 2012

Day 5

"Try to create a physique that pleases everyone and expect failure. Create a physique that pleases you, and you're winning every single day." Rolsey 

 Welcome to the weekend!!!! And Day 5 Yey!

Today has been good. I was in the office so was able to up my water intake. Thanks for the tweets for water tips after yesterdays blog.

So motivation for the gym was tested today. Friday, work is over and the last thing you want to do is cardio, well, that's how I felt today anyway. It's strange because I used to be cardio queen. Before I knew how to train properly, I was that girl doing 40 mins on the cross trainer, 5000m on the rowing machine and a go on the bike for good measure. This was the time before I had Izzy obviously, as I would never have an hour and half to workout like that these days! 
I did workouts like this until I met my trainer, who showed me whats what and taught (and showed) how I could lift big weights and not turn into Jodie Marsh (although now, I wouldn't quite mind her body!), but anyway, in a nutshell I learnt that lifting big weights is the way forward. So as a result from both these things, I now hate cardio, as in ages on the bike, cross trainer, stair climber etc. Bring on the Prowler, sled and battle ropes instead!
The training plan I am following this week however, had cross trainer for today, so I did it. I forgot my bloody ipod so too, as the UFF feeling for the cross trainer, no music. Disaster! I did it anyway and threw in some abs too, which wasn't in my plan, but hey, everybody loves abs!

So the food issue today has been that my 'lovely husband'(!), has bought Tesco finest fruit and nut cookies and maltesers. Why oh why must these be in the house. So, I just had my healthy tea which was lovely and have treated myself to 5 maltesers as a well done for a good start.. I have to admit though, I feel a bit crap about it now and wish I hadn't have had them but I have fessed up to you all. This blog is me being real and having the same issues most of us have when trying to be a food angel. 


My Protein Max Elle - True Diet Protein Drink, 57 g2168436Ico_delete
Add Food  2168436
Tesco - Grilled Chicken Breast Fillet (125g), 250 g3400477Ico_delete
Avocado - Half, 2 half, raw27614284Ico_delete
Add Food  616143281
Tilda - Brown Basmati Microwave Rice, 125 g1703235Ico_delete
Tesco - Roasted Salmon Fillets With Cracked Black Pepper, 1 fillet21011321Ico_delete
Birdseye Steamers Hearty Farmhouse Mix - Carrots, Brocolli and Cauliflower, 1 x bag40512Ico_delete
Add Food  420381728
My Protein Max Elle - True Diet Protein Drink, 57 g2168436Ico_delete
Real Nutrition Co - 28% Diet Protein Bar Chocolate Nut Crisp Flavour, 50 g20221714Ico_delete
Maltesers - Malteser Ball, 5 ball55731Ico_delete
Add Food  473361451
Your Daily Goal2,11721146211
*You've earned 397 extra calories from exercise today


35 Minutes Cross Trainer, Level 15, Random mode - 397 cals burned.
Abs - 2 min each front and both side plank
Bicycle Crunches x 50
Ab crunches on the ball x 30

PHOTOS (sorry about the change of top. Wore the other last night and it's in the wash, doh!)

So, this weekend. I have Easyfit Olympics tomorrow and have no idea what will be involved. I just know that being in the hands of Easyfit PTs from 11am - 4pm will involve some serious action and no doubt DOMS on Sunday! Hubby and Izzy are coming along too as it's a family day. Izzy has her toddler Sketchers ready for action. I am SO timing her for a 100m sprint. She is a speedy lil toddler. 21 months old and a little like Forrest Gump; never stops running!

Anyway, Happy Friday and thanks again for reading (and motivating me - yeah, YOU do! I know some of you are reading which is a huge motivation - so thanks).

Thursday 30 August 2012

Day 4

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” - Lance Armstrong
Happy Thursday! Well, today has been a good day, but a bad day. Motivation is still right up there, but my planning had a curve ball thrown in to mix things up. As you know, I'm a working mummy, well today my little girl had to come home from the childminders because she was poorly, so I had to take a day off work to look after her. Now as most mummys know, when you have a toddler to deal with, your own eating/general needs goes to pot and you focus on feeding and seeing to your child. Well today that happened, and although I have been to the gym and done an additional workout in the way of walking 4 miles with Izzy, I don't feel like I have eaten enough, which isn't good, especially after the workout I have just done. And it is now 21:14 and my tea is still cooking!! And as a result, I am keeping it light with just chicken and veg, no carbs at all. Tomorrow morning I am going to be STARVING!
Ah well, I try and do my best with this and fit everything it. It's not easy, but the motivation carries me though! 

Something else I struggle with (and I don't know why!) is water intake! I have all the best intentions to drink loads and I just don't do it. This isn't good at the moment, because I have taken the mass amounts of tea and coffee I used to drink out, so I am lacking in liquids. Even the water reminder app on my phone can't get me to do it!? What is it about water!? Any tips on how I can get into a habit with it would be appreciated. 


My Protein Max Elle - True Diet Protein Drink, 57 g2168436Ico_delete
Add Food  2168436
Tesco - British Pork Loin Steaks, 100 g raw (as sold)22501620Ico_delete
Birdseye Steamers Hearty Farmhouse Mix - Carrots, Brocolli and Cauliflower, 1 x bag40512Ico_delete
Add Food  26551722
Birdseye - Steam Veg Hearty Farmhouse, 1 bag40512Ico_delete
Tesco - Grilled Chicken Breast Fillet (125g), 250 g3400477Ico_delete
Add Food  3805579
Banana - Medium Banana, 100 g952101Ico_delete
Real Nutrition Co - 28% Diet Protein Bar Chocolate Nut Crisp Flavour, 50 g20221714Ico_delete
Soreen - Malt Fruit Loaf, 1 slice (1/8th of a loaf - 28g)871912Ico_delete
My Protein - Milk Protein Smooth, 30 grams1112024Ico_delete
Real Nutrition Co - 28% Diet Protein Bar Chocolate Nut Crisp Flavour, 50 g20221714Ico_delete
Add Food  697841555
Your Daily Goal2,25322549225
*You've earned 533 extra calories from exercise today


4 Mile walk, pushing a 2 stone 3lb child in a pram - 230 Calories


Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps
2 sets of 15 reps


Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps
3 sets of 10-12 reps

CLEAN 20kg

Muscle Targeted: Hamstrings
3 sets of 10-12 reps


Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps
3 sets of 10-12 reps


Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps
3 sets of 10-12 reps


Muscle Targeted: Hamstrings
3 sets of 10-12 reps


Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps
3 sets of 10-12 reps


Muscle Targeted: Calves
3 sets of 10-12 reps


Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps
20 minutes


There are some abs in there I'm sure

Right, must go and eat my tea, well, it's bloody supper now isn't it!

TTFN and thanks for reading!