Friday 18 January 2013

156 days of pregnancy...

So, I feel I need to turn to my faithful blog to get a few things off my chest and out of my head really. 

As readers of this blog will know, my current pregnancy was a complete surprise and I got caught during the training for Survival of the Fittest/Tough Mudder. It was like a big stop sign appeared from nowhere with regards to training and eating. I was out of the habit of having sugary cereals (I've been having cornflakes so the less sugary option & vit D for baby) for breakfast (or to be fair nothing) and was loving the protein shakes (and even chicken some days, yes for breakfast) and just generally enjoying my healthy lifestyle.... cue pregnancy sickness.. this is the one thing that knocked me way off course. I was actually sick, not just feeling it, every day all day for 18 weeks and for anyone that has had pregnancy sickness will know that it feels like a constant hangover... and what do you do when you have a hangover... you crave carbs and sugary things (I even craved coca cola one day which I never drink!). So I had to give in and started eating things that I had kissed goodbye to in November 2011. Bread, cereal, potatoes, singapore chow mein (once a week for about 6 weeks!), you name it I was eating it! 

Now I know people that aren't into their fitness will (and do, regularly) say, 'you're pregnant, enjoy being fat, enjoy the treats, eat all the bad stuff you want  etc etc' but I don't agree with that. Why should my unborn child have to fight to get any nutrients from my poor diet. It's not about me, it's about the baby growing in my tum. But even with that mentality I am struggling to eat exactly as I would like to (although I am managing to squeeze in my 5 a day, just...). I am a total slave to the pregnancy. The sickness has lifted (which was a surprise as with my first born I had it all the way through) so I was hoping that the craving I had for hummous and tomatoes would come back like my last pregnancy... no such luck. I have no appetite and eat when I am hungry (which is becoming more often) and no real cravings, apart from white bread... or crumpets...or bagels... all with jam! I am super tired because I am working and when I'm not working, I'm being mummy to a toddler so I have no time for planning my food and as before (again, regular readers know about my job) I am travelling a lot around the UK. In a word, I'm pooped!

So onto working out! The first 18 weeks were out! I was puking at the drop of a hat so any chance of exercise was sporadic... which meant that my fitness levels decreased at a rate of knots and we all know how hard it is getting your fitness levels up but how when you stop they plummet. Well when I started feeling better I was like wooohoooo, I can go back to Body Pump and I can do this and I can do that... It hasn't happened like that though. It did over Christmas because I had time, but once I was back at work, it has proved pretty much impossible. Tiredness, job and child see to that!

So why am I turning to my blog today, well it's mainly because I find it therapeutic talking about it. It's getting me down a bit at the moment, especially after I got on the scales at my friends house the other day and I was 12 stone and I am also starting to see a bit of a chin. I am also craving working out (can that be classed as a pregnancy craving?) and am planning in my head the big fitness come back. 

So onto that, I have been thinking about this a lot and as I said in my last post (and promised a few of the blog followers) I will be back with the blog post baby. Now I have to say, I am scared to death of posting that first post baby body picture!? Good lord, that will be hard knowing what my tum looked like at first when I had Isabelle...But I will do it although the blog wont be daily like before, I will do it weekly. I remember how hard it is finding time with a newborn, never mind a newborn and a toddler.. But below are some of the things/problems I have been thinking about, so any ideas of ways to overcome these obstacles let me know.

  • My gym membership will run out in August 2013 (baby due May 2013) and I won't be able to afford to renew it as I will be on statutory maternity pay (ie nothing). I love my gym, but it is at the top of the price range, so an interim option would be to join Pure Gym or some cheaper alternative. That depends on how much I have saved up by then. 

  • Fitting in workouts around the new baby AND my little girl when I am with them both allll day! Now, I have lots of plans in my head whirling around. One is doing Insanity, but I'm wondering if that will be too much too soon (obviously I will wait until the all clear at my 6 week post natal check before I start anything). Anybody any thoughts on that? Is it insane (ha ha sorry!) post baby? Other suggestions less insane?? My thought process with this is that it is short workouts that I can do at home. I think that has to be key. So with that in mind have been saving a lot of tweets from #fitfam with home/body weight workouts so will have a nice collection to chose from too. It would be just good to have something in order and not guessing what to do when. My PT @Coach_Mainer ( had all the answers last time and I just did as I was told and this time I will be going alone with nobody to plan my workouts for me!

  • I will be breastfeeding (if I can) as I did with Isabelle which helped the weight fall off, but this also may have an impact on the workouts I can do (I don't know this, I'm just thinking of pain/them getting in the way due to size if last time is anything to go by).  
  • Walking will feature heavily I'm sure as it did when I had Isabelle. I turned into Forrest Gump with a pram with her and was doing up to 30 miles a week. It will be summer when this one arrives, so this will be good and can get some vitamin D which I lacked in after the last pregnancy.

  • What if I end up having an emergency C-Section? I don't plan to but I know all too well that best laid birth plans don't always happen. Its major surgery so I guess that will have an impact on all my plans. 
           (This is my bump at 36 weeks with Isabelle)
  • I'm considering buying my protein shakes before the baby comes as again, money when on statutory maternity leave isn't much so I need to stock up. And can you have protein shakes when breastfeeding? I need to find out. I'm also thinking of stocking up on other things like nakd bars to stop me snacking on bad things! Once you are in the newborn baby bubble you grab anything whether it nutritious or not to eat. See aren't you impressed with my planning...Its a bit like I'm planning for Armageddon isn't it. I'm going to end up with a case under my bed with protein powder and healthy bars!
         Natural Balance Foods Logo

  • I'm planning getting the slow cooker going to cook nutritious meals as again I remember last time not having time to eat never mind plan so bung a few ingredients in in the morning and voila. (Oh this is good getting all the thoughts that have been whirling round my head the last few weeks out lol).

Now this blog has always been about health and fitness hence me waffling on about it. I am of course really excited about the new addition to my little family! I know how hard it is but also know how rewarding it is. I also want to set a good example to my kids and not be a slob post baby. I want them to have a mummy they can be proud of and I don't mean that about how I look, its about being fit and healthy! Lets hope baby no 2 will eat their spouts and broccoli first off their plate like Isabelle does.

So anyway, that's me for now. Thanks for reading! I welcome any comments about anything I have put in here. It's just good to get it off my chest and also to have something to refer to later as baby brain is bad now... never mind when baby no 2 is here.. So I couldn't leave without sharing some baby things. My scans so far and my expanding tum... not quite as it used to be, but hey, bumpalicious and proud! 

Bumpy Hugs 


1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I have a question about your blog, could you please email me? Thanks!!

