Thursday 8 November 2012

The Truth......

“True creative power, truly manifesting positive creations in your life, always happens from a state of simplicity and ease. It is precisely when you feel totally relaxed and divinely careless about things, not forcing yourself to do or be anything, that you attract the most positive changes in your life.”  ~ Pamela Kribbe/Mary

So, I think it is about time (and I can actually do it) that I fessed up to my 'gastric problem'... some of you who follow me on twitter may have already twigged, but it appears that during my training for Tough Mudder/Survival of the Fittest, that mother nature (and some other factors that we don't need to go into detail about) had some other ideas and I am pregnant!!! So so so, sorry I lied to you all and I hope you understand that needs must and I couldn't run the risk of telling people earlier.

It was a complete shock, but one I am very happy about and one that I only twigged about because of my daily pictures... abs one day, mini beach ball the next... For some reason, I started to show VERY early, so much so, I had to have an early scan to see if it was twins. There were two sacs in there but luckily (I could only just handle the shock of one) there was only one 

Unfortunately, my training has come right down, mainly because, as with my first baby, Isabelle, I am sick as a dog. I had it all the way through with Isabelle, but I am hoping that I will get a break with this one and maybe it will stop in a few weeks. I have been doing body pump (adapted as some things you can't do with bump) and I intend to get back to the gym over the next week or so. I need to be in shape for the next few months. This bump isn't going to carry itself :)

Also, another thing with the sickness (and anybody who has been pregnant will know about this) I have become a carb fiend! It has been so weird as I have been eating clean for so long and now all of a sudden all I want is WHITE BREAD, CHIPS, CRISPS which has gone against everything I have been about for the last year, but I had to give in to. I basically feel like I am hungover all day, every day. Again, this should hopefully pass and I hope that my healthy cravings I had last time for Hummous and tomatoes comes back to even out the badness lately.

So I couldn't write without giving you a baby and bump shots now could I... So here are a couple of the growing bump over the last few weeks... oh and how could I forget to tell you, I am 12 weeks now (hence that I can spill) and the baby is due on 22 May!

12 week scan 

 6 weeks!!

 7 weeks!!

10 weeks!!

So I guess I will be back in June 2013 - surely I need to do a blog to get back into shape post baby, and actually finish it this time!? Now that will be a good transformation blog (and a challenge with two nippers). One intend to take on :)

Love and baby bump hugs
Kirsty xxx

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